Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Struggle is Real

Hey Everyone,

As you can see I have titled this post "The Struggle is Real." To start off I am posting this at 12:40 am, so there goes the whole 8 hours of sleep rule...
High School can be a lot sometimes and this is one of those days or as I like to say I never got off the struggle bus.
Going back to 20-time. I think I am having trouble starting this club. I like to pay attention to the smallest details and organization is key for me so I don't really know where to start. My last Spanish post was about finding people to help me start my club because it is impossible for me to do everything even though I try to. So here I am on the hunt for people, those who want to be officers and those who simply want to be members. Anyone interested?!
 I read a quote on our 20-time wall put up by my English teacher. It read something like this, "It is okay to not be perfect all the time." This applies to me so much right now. Sometimes I strive for perfection and it leads to a mess. I think for this club I need to just believe in myself and hope for the best. Trying to make this perfect will only make my life hard. I think sometimes the most "disastrous" situations make the best memories! So here I am looking for people to join my club and help me get started. I'm excited to see what people think and who joins. I think I will start advertising, make an agenda and hold the first meeting. I am excited for this new journey in my life but I hope for the support of my family members friends, teachers and peers!

P.S- Sorry for any grammar mistakes...

With Love,


  1. Good luck, Vrushangi. I'm glad my quote spoke to you. I can see a lot of my high school self in you, too. Don't worry. It will work out, but I think a lot of your 20-Time will be focused on just managing your time. Where will you make room for this goal you have so that it is a priority? Who can help? Don't be afraid also to address what you didn't do this week and why. I'm hoping your weeks get less busy, but I'm afraid they might not. See me if you are still struggling.

    1. I agree, managing time is very important and I am honestly struggling. I will start addressing my problems more Ya, the coming months do not seem less stressful to be honest. I am very overwhelmed. I think I would like to talk to you.

  2. Hola, mi amiga. Tambien, hay que pensar en "baby steps." Necesitas saber que quieres conseguir con el club: ?que es el gol? Hay que estar super-cierta en este gol y entonces el club va a empezarse su mismo. Es una idea brillante y recuerdes que es algo para que TU tienes la pasion. Hay que compartir esta pasion con el mundo. Eres bonita, en cada manera, mi amor. ~Sra.

    1. Gracias! Honestamente, estoy estresado con todo en la vida en este momento . Creo que tengo que encontrar un sistema para que este proyecto porque me encanta esta idea.

  3. me gusta su idea much. estaré encantado de ayudarle .

  4. Me gusta tu idea! Pienso que tu vaya a tener un club bueno. Me uniría. Para apoyarle:)

  5. Me gustan los ideas de su proyecto mucho!:)
