Thursday, April 23, 2015

Un Noche QueFue Fantástica.

Hola Amigos,

Esta Noche fue "Pitch Night" y fue fantástica. Yo Conocí a muchas personas increíbles. Yo creo que pitch night fue una experiencia muy importante en mi vida. Me gusta cuando yo trabaje en mi pasión y otras personas vean mi trabajo duro. Freshmen First es un programa muy importante para mí porque con este programa yo puedo ayudar a nuevos estudiantes en mi escuela. Este año hay muchos estudiantes de primer año que desean que hubiera fue un programa de este año. Espero que este programa yo ayude a muchos estudiantes. Espero aydar a muchos estudiantes.

Mi parte favorita durante el pitch fue cuando la gente me dijo que a ellos les gustan mi idea y mi proyecto. Hay muchas personas que aprecian mi trabajo duro. La gente me pregunto, "¿cómo va a hacer este trabajo? Yo tuve una contesta para todos. Yo voy a trabajar con NHS así los estudiantes que van a ser mentores se puede ser honestos y mentores buenos. Era bueno que mucha gente dijo “hola” a mí, así yo hablo en español. Las personas eran buenos oyentes a pesar de que no hablen español .

Estoy emocionada por que durante la próxima reunión de NHS yo voy a introducir mi proyecto. Y todos que tienen interes pueden ser mentores. Mi "mini" gol para la próxima semana es  hablar con Sr.Frye, el líder NHS.

Durante Pitch noche yo hablo con una mujer y ella fue muy simpática. Pero una cosa tocó mi corazón Ella casi lloró: ella apreció mi idea y a ella le gusta que cuando su hijo venga a la escuela secundaria, Freshman First va a estar aquí. Yo siempre recordaré este mujer maravilloso. Creo que pequeñas cosas hacen la diferencia más grande. Con este programa yo puedo cambiar pequeñas cosas en mi escuela. Esta noche me recuerda de una cosa en mi clase de Espanol. Hay una cita que dice “el viaje de mil millas comienza con un paso.” Me gusta esta cita porque se relaciona con mi Proyecto.

Esta noche fue muy buena para mí y si puediera participar en pitch night una vez más me encantaría.

En este blog yo añadí las fotos de la noche de “pitch” que mi amiga, Samantha, tomó. Hay dos fotos de mi y otra foto de mi cartel. Gracias a Samantha, las fotos son fantásticas y profesionales.

A Night to Remember

Hi Everyone,

I just got back from pitch night and it was beyond amazing. The most amazing feeling in the world is being recognized and appreciated regarding work that you have done. Today I was honored to feel that way. From 6:30 to 8 I met so many amazing people. Pitch night was such a wonderful experience for me. I introduced Freshmen First to my community and received tremendous support. People even congratulated me and many people told me how great this was. But one person really changed everything for me.

There were three people who came to me together. I introduced my project in Spanish and then further explained it in English. I wanted them to know that my actual point in creating this program was to make sure every freshmen felt included and found their place in high school. The mom talked to me very nicely and even told me that she was tearing up because now she knew that her son would have support when he got to high school. I will never forget meeting this wonderful woman. I am so touched and honored to know that my project can help so many people. This meeting along with all the others were better than any award I could ever receive. When you see something you are passionate about come to life, it changes everything.

I would gladly do something like this again! I love talking and sharing my ideas as well as learning about others and I think Pitch night did that for me.  A question that came up a lot was how I would sustain this program. I think the best way to sustain this program is to introduce it through NHS to build accountability and that is exactly what I told everyone.

I also ran into one of the most amazing English teachers from school. She suggested I introduce this program during freshmen parent night in May. I felt so honored and I can't wait to talk to her in the near future to set everything up.

Even as I write this I am still thinking about all the wonderful people I met and will have the honor of meeting through this program. I want everyone to know that this program is to make sure everyone belongs and has the support they deserve when making such a big transition.  I can't wait to speak about this program at parent night and get mentors from NHS.

So if your are going to be a junior or senior in NHS next year make sure to attend the next meeting so you can learn more about this program.

If you are a parent I met tonight, I want to thank you for coming! It means a lot when we, as students, receive support from the community.
A big shoutout to Ms.Hechlik and Mrs.Bonotto for putting together pitch night. I love you guys!

If anyone has any questions, comments, or suggestions please feel free to leave your comments below. I would love to hear from all of you!

With Love,

Monday, April 13, 2015

A New Road to a New Project

Hey Everyone,

I feel like I haven't posted in so long but now that I have a chance to tell you guys everything I am so excited. I have a new project! After going to the ER twice during spring break I have learned my lesson. I know how important health is, so here I am! I am starting a new project with a positive attitude and faith in my new vision. My new project is called Freshmen First, and it is a transition program for freshmen who will be coming to my high school this fall. Here is how I got the idea for this program.

I went downstate at the beginning of the school year and when I was visiting my religious temple I saw a boy wearing a shirt from my old school district. On the back of his shirt it is said Link Crew, I wondered what it was but I wasn't sure. That night I went a friend's house and when we were talking about school she asked me if I had heard of the link crew. She explained to me that her school had established the link crew as a transition program for incoming freshman and it really helped them. I really loved the idea and hoped that I could do something like that at my school. After researching what the link crew was I learned that it could cost hundreds of dollars for a school to establish it and train students and staff members. But I couldn't let money stop me!! I had an idea at that very moment. I could just start my own program that would be free of cost. So I started planning but it was all over the place since I never had no time to devote to it.

Now after everything I know I have time to make this program work. I hope to run this program through the National Honor Society and I have talked to the teacher who runs it. He loves my idea! Now I know I have a medium through which I can introduce and run Freshmen First. I have also been in talks with my mentor and she has helped me so much along the way. We have come up with a rough draft for the project outline. I am currently working on a final draft that I can turn into the NHS leader so we can have somewhat of a set outline for how this program is going to work. As of now I have a small plan for how I want to run FF. I want incoming juniors and seniors (members of NHS) to be mentors for the freshmen. My ultimate goal for this project is for the freshmen to feel situated at school. I want them to know that there are other students who can relate to them and help them with high school. I also want parents to know that their kids have a medium through which they can ask questions and feel comfortable at school. A transition into high school can be scary because it is such a new experience. I think having a mentor will give the freshmen a reassuring feeling.

So I really hope this new project goes well! I would like to acknowledge the continuous support of my family, friends and teachers. Thank you for all that you do, whether it is listening to me or helping me find new solutions. It really makes a difference to know that I have such a great group of people backing me up!

With Love,

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Nuevo Proyecto

Hola Amigos,

Despues de visitar la sala de emergencia dos veces durante la vacación de primavera, yo aprendí que estrés no es bueno para mi. Yo tengo tomado un decisión. Yo tengo un nuevo proyecto para mi veinte timepo. Se llama Freshman First. Aquí es como yo tenido esta idea.


Yo fui a Canton, MI con mi familia para visitar un templo religiosa y yo vi un hombre. El llevaba una camisa que dijo "link crew". En el momento yo no sé lo que estaba. Pero mi familia y yo fuimos a la casa de nuestro amigos y mi amiga me dijo que "link crew" es una programa para estudiantes que entran escuela secundaria. Cuando mi familia y yo volvimos a Midland yo investigando en el web porque yo deseado a empezar link crew en mi escuela. Había una problema, link crew cuesta mucho dinero. Es por eso que yo hice una programa para mi escuela que cuesta poco o ningún dinero.

Ahora yo tengo un plan para mi nuevo proyecto. Para mi proyecto necesito ayuda de estudiantes que será seniors o juniors en el próximo ano. Ahora yo trabajo en mi "vision y mission statements" Yo pienso que Mr.DeBoer es una persona buena. El me va ayudar con mis "statements." Porque el ayudado estudiantes en mi clase de student leadership este ano en septiembre.  El gol para este proyecto es para freshman sentir comfortable en escuela secundaria. Yo pienso que juniors y seniors son buenos mentors para los freshman.  

Yo hablo con mi mentor, Mrs.Outinen, y ella le gusta mi proyecto. Para mi proyecto yo quiero miembros de NHS ser mentors. Los estudiantes que entran NHS son buenos estudiantes y completar su trabajo  para ayudar a otros. Yo tengo hablado con Sr.Frye, el líder de NHS, sobre mi proyecto y el gustaba mi idea. El necesita una papel que explica mi proyecto. Mi next "mini" gol es a hacer un papel finalmente para Freshman First.

Este proyecto es muy importante para mi porque yo puedo ayudar la gente en mi escuela. Mi gol para viente tiempo es ayudar otros y traer el cambio. Yo espero que este proyecto es exitoso.